Online Induction Software >> Online Induction Program

Best Practice Online Induction Program

Setting up an online induction program is a critical workflow in the new starter process for contractors, employees and visitors. It is the first entry point for these new workers before they start their job task or activity in the workplace. The induction program will cover everything they need to know about working safely on site such as topics around hazards, site access, safety procedures, policies, emergency contacts and evacuation procedures. It will also capture required information from the inductee such as next of kin details, tickets, licenses, certifications and evidence of training. Check lists and document libraries for acknowledging important materials and resources are also common as well as an assessment at the end to ensure that they understand everything in the induction.

What to include in an online induction program
A good online induction program consists of a series of steps where the inductee works through the induction workflow. These steps include:
- starting with forms where important new starter information is collected online
- induction content steps covering important workplace topics such as safety, HR, policies, procedures and site specific workplace topics
- Checklists for document acknowledgements
- Document libraries
- Online tours and videos for an introduction to the workplace or worksite
- Assessments and tests to ensure that the content is understood and acknowledged

Issuing an induction card
At the end of the induction program an induction card or certificate is issued as confirmation of completion and is something the contractor, visitor or employee can bring with them on site as proof of compliance and induction completion. This might form a strong part of your site access process where the induction card is scanned on site as part of a sign in / sign out process. It could also be used as a spot check on compliance as well.

Typically, a best practice induction program will ensure all active staff are re-inducted every 12 months

A major part of the induction program is online forms. Here you can capture different information specific to an induction type such as insurances for companies and sole traders, evidence of training, certifications and tickets for contractors or important new starter HR information for employees. Even a visitor might have emergency contact details captured as part of their visitor induction before they arrive on site.

Check Lists
Centralising important materials for acknowledgement can be a core element of an online induction program. Safety procedures, policies, SWMS, SWP's, site maps, handbooks and other important site materials and resources can be made available on the induction and the inductee can be forced to read and acknowledge each one, recorded as being acknowledged on this date and this time digitally. you can even embed digital sign off as well.

Ensuring that the inductee has been tested on the induction content and has read and understood the induction materials is very critical to ensure they understand everything they need to work safely on site. There's different styles you might set up an assessment in, the most common being multiple choice but you can also make the assessment itself a more interactive experience too.

Induction Program Setup
Try setting up your site induction using our online induction program using the form below:

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What happens if you don't induct someone?

When a contractor, visitor or employee hasn't done an induction, and they start working on site, you risk that they are involved in a safety incident and haven't been properly made aware of hazards, procedures and other important areas that could have prevented the incident from happening in the first place. This could lead to liability issues for the organisation.

An induction is the first step to ensure that all staff and visitors know what to do in an emergecy, that they understand fully their safety obligations and will comply with important HR and safety policies and procedures.

Online Induction Software is the tool to do this so that staff can complete these areas before they arrive at the workplace.

  • Compliant staff before they arrive on site
  • Inducted on safety topics, HR policies and procedures
  • Australian Online Induction Software

    Created, owned and supported in Australia - Setup an online induction for your organisation to induct your contractors, employees and visitors into the workplace