Online Induction Software | What is an Online Induction

What is an Online Induction and why do you need one?

An Online Induction is the first safety and HR focused engagement point for contractors, employees and visitors who are about to work or visit your organisation, site or project. Using the Internet, you can publish a series of online steps for the inductee to progress through ranging from a safety induction, collecting insurances, evidence of training and other certifications, publishing HR and Safety policies and procedures, check lists and online assessments to ensure they understand the induction content.

Organisations of all sizes should establish an online induction to ensure proper knowledge management amongst roles, proper training on important safety topics which could prevent an injury, property training on reporting protocols, worker policies and procedures and an understanding of compliance and HR rules.

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What happens if you don't induct someone?

When a contractor, visitor or employee hasn't done an induction, and they start working on site, you risk that they are involved in a safety incident and haven't been properly made aware of hazards, procedures and other important areas that could have prevented the incident from happening in the first place. This could lead to liability issues for the organisation.

An induction is the first step to ensure that all staff and visitors know what to do in an emergecy, that they understand fully their safety obligations and will comply with important HR and safety policies and procedures.

Online Induction Software is the tool to do this so that staff can complete these areas before they arrive at the workplace.

  • Compliant staff before they arrive on site
  • Inducted on safety topics, HR policies and procedures
  • Australian Online Induction Software

    Created, owned and supported in Australia - Setup an online induction for your organisation to induct your contractors, employees and visitors into the workplace