
Online Training Platform

What is an online training platform and why do Australian companies need one? Online training or eLearning is education or distance training that just happens via the internet. Online employee training and development is one aspect that can make a world of difference in the era where organisations exceedingly find it difficult to make their bottom line better. It is very critical for employees to have the skill sets, resources, and knowledge required to offer the best services for your organisation.
Online training platform would not be receiving such hype if not for the immense advantages that it comes with. Below are some of the significant benefits of the online training platform in Australia.

- An online training platform accommodates the needs of every individual- this is made possible by the fact that you do not need to be in a specific spot to access online content; therefore it is suitable for everyone.
- Offers access to updated content- this ensures that every individual in the process is up to date with modern learners.
- Consistency- this ensures educators can get ideal coverage to convey information in a consistent way to their audience.

Using a Modern Online Training Platform and Their Contribution To Staff Training and Development

Technology is dynamic, and it is, therefore, crucial to understand that due to this, its critical to use the right kind of online training platform. Consider all the areas needed such as refresher employee training courses, role-specific training courses, immersive 360-degree virtual content multiple choice questions, interactive picture questions, and different assessment types, among others. However, the list is not exhaustive of all the platforms available, and it guaranteed to get more with more interaction with technology.
Some of the major benefits:
- Efficient management
- Immediate and up to date content
- Saving money and time
- Improved communication
- Easy access to information

The right online training platform can make work more comfortable in one way or another. For example, if you have content you created earlier, you do not have to go back to the drawing board and figure out how to put it into an online platform. This is because the platforms can automatically convert your content format to an online format once you upload it. Also, it is capable of supporting a variety of third party contents such as flash disks, power-point, and videos, among others.

Apart from the veteran staff, the online platform can be an ideal method of getting the new staff to get used to the operation taking place around the office. Also, the online training platform is an essential tool in equipping staff with skills that are required to run organisations in Australia. Some of the courses included in online training platforms are easy to engage, and thus a member of a team who is specialized in the area is assigned. Doing such is the right way of enhancing improvement opportunities that are distributed to staff.

Identifying Skills Gaps

There's always a gap between each employee's current and ideal skills so analyzing what the employees need to know is essential to fulfilling the goals of the organisation. To achieve the desired results, you must know where you're allocating your online training resources to. You have to conduct assessments, evaluations, and also needs analysis for you to know the pain points.

Training Development Opportunities

Many organisations are investing in staff training and development because attracting employees who bring to the workplace the required experience and skills is very essential. Training staff entails acquiring and improving job-related knowledge and skills. The development of staff involves personal growth, expansion of duties, and preparation for promotions. The top best training and development opportunities include: - Manager coaching
- Cross training
- Online training webinars and sessions
- Peer coaching
- Classroom style learning
The first critical step for employee growth is learning and development opportunities. Regardless of the opportunities, you provide to your staff, cross-training enables them to improve their skill sets in various disciplines that enhance their fit within their roles and even the whole organisation.

Third-Party Course Completions

Third parties training services are used by organisations to offer course training to their staff members and ensure the delivery of high-quality content, rapid deployment, and ease of use. The most used third party tool for organisations is the training software that automates training activities for your staff. Partnering with third parties makes sense if they are offering some things that your learning and development department or team lacks. Generally, all the various platforms almost function the same way although each of them has its own weak and strong points.

Skills Matrix

A skills matrix is simply a management tool that rates and scores every employee on the knowledge that it takes for the job to be done. It's used in mapping the required and desired skills for a project or the team to be involved. The skills matrix best helps when you understand the mixture of experience and skills in your team. Develop the skills matrix very well to identify the training needs of the staff to complete a project or a job. Make a list of the team members, the skills and experiences you require in your team and select the experiences and skills of the members of your team.

Training Matrix

A training matrix is one essential thing that one needs when it comes to online training platform. This comes in handy when you need to assign different tasks to different employees, including completed courses, split according to the roles among many. The training matrix is essential to an organisation since it gives the liberty of separating employees based on performance, skills, and even departments. This is important when it comes to promoting innovation and performance in the organisation.

Common Workplace Courses You Might Include

Employees need training and refreshers often on how to do their best in their jobs to contribute to achieving the corporate goals of the organisation. Receiving steady training means that they are on the cutting edge of the organisation's developments always. Here are some of the different types of programs that are essential for any organisation to offer to their employees through online courses.

Orientation training

This is usually the first training conducted for all the new hires. It mainly entails inducing a formally welcoming the new employee into the organisation. It's the most common training type and tends to be essential to all organisation-wide departments and roles. This training includes:
- organisation mission, vision, and values
- organisation culture
- Introduction to the organisational activities
- Policies and procedures
- History and structure of the organisation

Building online courses using an Online Training Platform

Creating online courses for staff can be hectic especially when everyone in the organisation is busy. But the building of online courses for employees does not have to be a stressful activity though. Many organisations believe that online training is a competitive advantage for them so this makes them determined on how to create online courses that boost their employees' performance and engagement.

A perfect course will have the objective to solve a problem within the organisation. For example, when there are more accidents in the workplace, you will need to train staff to stay safe while at work.

After setting the topic, you now need to collect as much information about that particular subject as possible. Sources like YouTube and blogs have a pool of research reports for you to use when creating online courses; you don't have to create everything from scratch.

Arrange all the information that you've gathered logically. Here now is where you begin thinking about the learning trails. An online quiz is essential in between successive module when creating online courses to help the learners to memorize their new ideas and knowledge.

Begin creating the content for the online course after setting your objectives; they are the ones that guide the type of content to be curated. You can utilize the various online course creation tools available to make original content for the information you can't find.

This is the final step of creating online courses and it's easier when you utilize that powerful education software. Ensure that you have the right LMS for that specific job before uploading anything; user-friendly LMS, easy to update, customizable, and offer various features for gamification and quizzes to make an engaging course.

Ready to start with your own online training platform?

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