


Online Induction >> Deliver Induction Content Online

Deliver Induction Content Online

Transform your traditional induction content such as Powerpoint presentation, PDF or Word Document into an onine format using our Online Induction .com system and have all inductees directed to a single place to read this content and be recorded in a database that they have understood it.

It sounds simple because it is!

There are many advantages to having your induction content in an Online format.

  • Inductees don't need Microsoft Office to view Powerpoint presentations and other induction material
  • Inductees can re-visit induction material as many times as they need to in order to perform works correctly on site. Once they walk out of a face to face induction meeting, they often forget what they learned (if anything).
  • You can induct a group of people together in one session and every time ensure that the same induction process is performed
  • You can run your Online Induction off your existing website or Intranet

    And these are just a few of many benefits to transforming your existing induction process into an Online Induction.